‘Sports Illustrated Postpartum Cover’ by Kasey Jones
Digital collage.
Athleticism and mental toughness. Pregnancy and mental toughness. Labor & delivery and mental toughness. The fourth trimester and mental toughness. As an athlete, I couldn’t help but acknowledge the commonalities of “mental game” in relation to pregnancy, labor & delivery, the fourth trimester; similarly to preparing for a major race or competition. My experience of miscarriage and pregnancy loss brought new meaning to this term. In order to face my fear of loss/failure, I had to be mentally tough. This series of mock cover photographs honours the mental toughness that women and mothers face when preparing to conceive, when facing loss and trying again, when dealing with the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy, mentally preparing for labor & delivery and enduring on through postpartum pain and sleep deprivation during the fourth trimester. The mental head space in dealing with it all is often overwhelming, full of anxiety and pressure, and experienced in silence or alone for the woman/mother. Our mental and physical give is of value and one that should not go unrecognized.
Read more about Kasey Jones.