‘The Height of Instability’ by Kathryn Jago

Photography, from the series Domestic Disorder.


Domestic Disorder considers the chaos and congestion of clutter within the domestic setting and its impact on mental health. The work is autoethnographic, investigating Kathryn’s relationship with her belongings. Explorations are through a series of solitary, improvised performances and interactions with treasured possessions. Each performance evolves from a series of memories, thoughts and emotions, allowing Kathryn to better understand the complex relationship she has with the things she owns. Photographic practice becomes her personal therapy, documenting a journey from a state of disorder, where clutter and possessions were overwhelming, to a more ordered state where she is able to feel at peace in her domestic space.

Read more about Kathryn Jago.


Tracy Welling


Nanette Joanna Madan