Spilt Milk

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Jennie Temple

Jennie Temple is an artist and educator based in Edinburgh, Scotland.   Since 2006, after the birth of her son,  Jennie's work has explored and reflected upon her experience of being a parent, an artist, and a full time employee. Jennie's work often incorporates an exploration of what she has come to call the 'in-between space' and she often makes works collaboratively with her two children.  In 2010, she founded !!Project!WAKAKA! in collaboration with her family.    The project has seen the family participate in and host residencies, curate workshops and  collaborative events using their domestic space as gallery /club / lecture theatre.   "Project!!WAKAKA! founded in 2010, is a collaborative venture that is based in and from our

domestic space (Jennie Temple, Alice, Chris & RudyWalker) with the assistance of invited others. The original impetus for setting up Project!!WAKAKA! came about as a result of a number of concerns. Primarily, the project started as a way for us to carry on making work whilst finding a way of managing the necessary changes to our practices that resulted from having a very young family. Subsequently !!WAKAKA! continues to grow slowly into a project that considers, refers to and explores a number of broader issues relating to art. These include:  art and children; art and education; art and the domestic; art and feminism; art and the market; art and parenthood."