Stephanie Jeanne Marie

This brief history might help better understand where her imagery stems from. The influences, associations, the graphic prose, all being inevitably tainted by a desire to situate and recognise one’s self in one’s environment.

Stephanie Jeanne Marie, was born and raised in France, into a family of engineers, polytechnicians and other such prize winner scientist. Thanks to two magical and eccentric elderly aunts, she was however quickly thrown into the wowing and “fantastic” world of history and the art that gathered along its path. Paris, and its surroundings, were more than fair apprentice workshops to such learning endeavours ; and for years on end, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, were spent in revering silent, within the grandiosity of places such as Versailles, its gardens and ‘trianons’, the Louvre, along with numerous cathedrals, chateaux and other churches. Hours passed, holding breath and gaze, until walls, the light, spaces and their content would start ‘speaking’. This, most informal and magical education, manifested back into writing, painting, shaping, and an obsessive habit of collecting and recording ‘moments’. Later came travels and with them the expense of visual and cultural influences. Stephanie Jeane Marie’s pieces are featured in private collections in Europe, the United -States, Canada, Australia and Asia.


Clare Chinnery


Imogen Bright Moon