I had been considering the prompts, ‘PRESSURE – CENTERED – BALANCE’ and wanted to create something new for the submission. While searching for images, I came upon this woman being pursued by a mysterious fog-like entity falling down stairs. As soon as I saw her, I thought of a mother tripping on Lego! That is the nature of motherhood, isn’t it? We usher our children through life and something is always threatening to tip the delicate balance. Often it is our own kids tripping us up by resisting our daily schedules – deciding they don’t want to eat the dinner we made or get ready for school in the morning. Sometimes we literally stumble on stray toys that are left in unpredictable places all over our home. And, as the relentlessness of our days wear on, there are times when our own sanity is hanging in the balance. I love how the women portrayed on pulp-fiction covers like this one look so unhinged and tormented. They express the unstable and ambivalent maternal state of mind so well!
Read more about Jen McGowan.