Chelsea-Paige Summers

Chelsea Summers is a photographic artist that is currently based in South Wales, UK. After obtaining her Bachelors, 2020 and Masters degree, 2022 at Swansea College of Art in Photography, she decided to expand her knowledge and experiences by undergoing a teaching course (PCET). Throughout her practice, Chelsea tends to use a wide range of materials and mediums to create her work rather than just simply using the camera. From always having an interest in alternative processes and the darkroom, and other forms of artistry such as illustration and painting, she combines the mediums to curate her pieces. Her practice is personal - and essentially, a documentation of her life. Chelsea has always aimed to evoke and document events that have a significant meaning to her. In the past, she curated bodies of work that discusses reconciliation, the mental unrest through a melancholic notion and the investigation of a chronic illness within her uterus, and menstruation.

In May of 2022, she curated an exhibition and collective with 2 other artists titled, Les Femmes Collective, that primarily wanted to spark a conversation about the power of women in today’s society. As of October 2022, she welcomed her son and ever since has had to learn and adapt to this new ‘role’. Connecting with her child, and creating a relationship unlike any other, Chelsea documented, photographed and built a collection of mementos of the times she has shared with her son. Primarily focusing on the adventures they have shared with one another in locations such as grasslands and nature itself, she created a narrative that feels compelling to her. The daisy and the marigold, in the meadow of wildflowers intertwine with another – mother and son. Building this personal story of the maternal love shared, and relating back to mother nature itself, Chelsea has produced a piece that speaks volumes to her, and will always hold memories of significance. 'In the Meadow of Wildflowers', is a ‘memory box’ of sorts, as it holds sentiments, locations, experiences and emotions that they have shared, together. “This piece is a love letter to my son – Elis”.


Suzanne Dolan


Kate Courtney-Taylor