Mireia Tysoe

Mireia Tysoe (1982) was born and grew up in England before moving to Catalonia in 2005. She holds a degree in Design from Goldsmiths College (University of London) and a Master's in Art Therapy (University of Barcelona). Her training in art therapy combined with motherhood has served as a great source of inspiration for her artistic work, which is based on looking inwards in order to connect with the outer world and find our place there. Her artistic work consists of sculpture, painting, installations and collage. Many of the pieces make recurrent reference to the human body, above all the female figure, through organic forms and suggestive imagery. Abstract allusions to the human body; breasts, vaginas, uteruses and skin, can be insinuated in the shapes and curves of her paintings and sculptures. These references do not dominate the works, but rather are suggestive and delicate elements.

Much of the inspiration for her work comes from interpersonal relationships; how, from our different realities, we understand and live with the other, with ourselves and with the world around us. The ‘Skin’ and ‘Wound’ series emphasise our natural limits, our skin, the dividing line between our inner self and everything else. They represent our intimate space and the connection established between the inside and the outside. The early mother-child relationship permeates the main corpus of her work; concepts such as secure attachment, differentiation, protection/overprotection and repression can all be found embodied in the art pieces. Her work depicts the sensations and feelings that arise from these themes. She has held several individual and group exhibitions in Barcelona, ​​Central Catalonia and Girona and has given workshops and presentations on her creative process in centres and at events, such as Metafora Centre for Art Therapy Studies in Barcelona, the International Congress of Art Therapy at Queen Mary University of London and the Casa de Espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri in Barcelona.


Heidi Farrar


Lorna Robertson